Meeting Rooms

[vc_row][vc_column][deeper_spacer mobile= »80″ smobile= »80″][/vc_column][vc_column width= »7/12″][vc_single_image image= »1617″ img_size= »full »][deeper_spacer desktop= »30″ mobile= »30″ smobile= »30″][vc_single_image image= »1768″ img_size= »full »][deeper_spacer desktop= »30″ mobile= »30″ smobile= »30″][vc_single_image image= »1769″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][vc_column width= »5/12″][deeper_contentbox padding= »0 0 0 35px » margin= »-10px 0 0 0″ translatex= »0″ translatey= »0″][deeper_text text_align= »align-left » text_width= »800px » text_font_size= »28px » text_letter_spacing= »-0.2″]Coworking design, office fit out and private office refurbishment[/deeper_text][deeper_spacer desktop= »40″ mobile= »30″ smobile= »30″][vc_column_text]

Consulting with an innovator in the construction sector means working with a team who know what they want. Our client is a renowned brand with a clear vision and high expectations from the designers they partner with.

With our in-house design and manufacturing team we were able to value engineer the project to meet expectations and budget.

[/vc_column_text][deeper_spacer desktop= »40″ mobile= »30″ smobile= »30″][vc_column_text]

  • Date May 2020
  • Client San Francisco Workspace
  • Category Interior Design

[/vc_column_text][deeper_spacer desktop= »65″ mobile= »40″ smobile= »40″][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][/deeper_contentbox][/vc_column][vc_column][deeper_spacer mobile= »80″ smobile= »80″][deeper_divider width= »100% » height= »1px » color= »#e7e7e7″][deeper_spacer mobile= »80″ smobile= »80″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » canvas= »%5B%7B%22shape%22%3A%22shape-1%22%2C%22image_effect%22%3A%22style-1%22%2C%22smoothness%22%3A%2230%22%7D%5D » el_class= »custom-pd-1″][vc_column][deeper_text text_color= »#074883″ text_margin_bottom= »16px » text_tag= »h5″ text_font_weight= »600″ text_font_size= »16px » text_letter_spacing= »-0.2″ text_font_family= »Open Sans »]Testimonials and reviews from our customers[/deeper_text][deeper_text text_font_size= »28px » text_letter_spacing= »-0.2″]What our customers are saying about us[/deeper_text][deeper_spacer desktop= »70″ mobile= »50″ smobile= »50″][deeper_carouselbox gap= »30″ groupcell= »true » class= »dots-style-2″ show_bullets= »yes » bullets_offset= »bullet-offset-60″][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »388″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Stella Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »387″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Eloise Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »379″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Thomas Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »388″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Stella Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »387″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Eloise Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »379″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Thomas Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »388″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Stella Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »387″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Eloise Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][deeper_testimonialbox avatar= »379″ avatar_width= »70px » avatar_rounded= »50% » author_name= »Thomas Smith » image_rating_width= »120px » title_font_weight= » » comment_font_weight= » » author_name_font_weight= » » author_position_font_weight= » » class= »no-rating »]“Our business has grown 700% from being at a coworking space compared to working from home/coffee shops. We’re far more settled and happy in this environment!”[/deeper_testimonialbox][/deeper_carouselbox][deeper_spacer mobile= »80″ smobile= »80″][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Posté le

27 juin 2020